Necklace – Black Beauty | Toscana Pulseras

This necklace is from the brand Toscana Pulseras. Each necklace is made by hand. A true work of art around your neck.


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This necklace is from the brand Toscana Pulseras.

Each necklace is made by hand.

A true work of art around your neck.

The nice thing is that there is only one of them.

So you are really unique!

Toscana Pulseras makes its necklaces on the island of Ibiza.

The basis is an authentic piece of fabric, which is often embroidered.

This copy has a dream catcher in the center, lace, beads, feathers, tassels, fringes and a peace sign have also been used.

A real eye-catcher.

Love to wear!


Total length chain +/- 54 cm

Dimensions: 14 cm measured from top of hanger to bottom, width 13 cm.